Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Biography Project Specifications

Biography/Autobiography Project
This project will require you to read a biography or an autobiography about a person of your choice. Once you have read and learned about your subject, you will prepare a speech for the class told from that person’s point of view. You will also need to dress up as your “person.” Attached you will find the questions you need to answer and the facts you will need to present for full credit.

Project Timeline:
February 12
We will go to the library as a class so you can pick a book.
February 14
Last day for book choices (If you want to bring a book from home, you must tell me the title by this date).
March 7
Biographical facts pages (attached) are due in class.
March 10
I will return your facts pages to you with my comments.
I will give you all the information you need for your note cards and your objective summary.
I will tell you which day you are presenting.
March 10-17
Use your facts pages to write out your speech on index cards. Practice this many times so you will be familiar with your facts before presenting. Prepare your clothes/costume.
March 17-18
In class work days. You can use this time to get me to check your notecards, to practice your speech, prepare your costume, or write your summary with my help.
March 19-21
Presentation days. All of your notecards, facts pages, and summaries are DUE on the 19th without exception. This will ensure that nobody has more time to work on their project than anyone else.

Project Rubric: This project is worth two test grades (200 points). Keep the following guidelines in mind when creating your project.

0-10 Points
11-25 Points
26-40 Points
41-50 Points
 Facts Pages
You did not turn in the biographical facts pages. Your facts pages are more empty than full.

You turned in the facts pages, but they are not complete. You have some holes in your information.
Your pages are complete but do not show full effort. You have not written in complete sentences.
Each question is answered thoughtfully and in complete sentences when necessary.

You did not turn in the correct number of notecards. They are not finished and do not show any effort.
Your notecards are incomplete or lacking some of the required information.
You have turned in all of the notecards, but the information is mixed up or the cards are unlabeled.
You’ve submitted all of your notecards. Each has all of the necessary information and is correctly numbered.
Objective Summary
You did not turn in a summary, or it is so full of errors that it cannot be read.
Your summary has many errors but is objective and correctly summarizes some of the book.
Your summary has a few errors and covers the main points of the book in an objective manner.
Your summary has few, if any, errors and completely summarizes your subject matter.
Costume and Presentation
You did not present any of the required information. You chose not to wear a costume or are trying to pass of your everyday clothes as a costume.
You presented the required information, but it was not complete. You did not present in first person. Your costume shows no planning.
Your presentation in the first person and was mostly complete but had a few holes. Your outfit matches the subject manner but shows little planning.
Your presentation covered all of the topics listed. Your presentation was informative and entertaining. Your outfit shows time and effort.