Sunday, September 29, 2013

What are You Teaching the World?

Here's a little inspiration as we kick off week 7 of school! Find ways to be awesome--everyone's a teacher, and everyone's a student!

See you tomorrow!

Friday, September 27, 2013

"Papa's Parrot" Revision instructions

For those of you who didn't have time to copy down the instructions after your quiz, here are the instructions for your "Papa's Parrot" summary revisions.

Your final draft should:

-Be neatly written in blue or black ink.
-Be on clean notebook paper.
-Be written on every other line. (Skip Lines!)
-Have a proper heading on the top right corner
    Heading: First Name and Last Name
                  "Papa's Parrot" Summary
-Be stapled on top of your rough draft and rubric.

Many of you finished in class today, but if you didn't, they are due on Monday! Also, if you didn't turn a summary the first time, you may turn one in Monday for 20 points off.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Attention fourth period!!

I'm so sorry that I forgot to give you your homework in class today. We will complete the assignment tomorrow at the beginning of class.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Verb Packet

Anyone wishing to work on their verb packet at home may do so. The packet is located at the link below. 

Verb packet answers will be due on Thursday, the verb quiz will be on Friday. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday Announcements

All grades for progress reports have now been entered into the computer.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) we will be going to the library. First period should still report to my classroom, but third, fourth, fifth, and sixth periods should meet me in the library.

On Friday, bring your two-pocket folder to class. This folder will be your writing portfolio and will stay at school with me! You will be revising your "Papa's Parrot" summary and leaving your completed revisions in your writing portfolio.

Friday, September 13, 2013

"Just a Spoonful of Sugar..."

I hope you have all had an excellent homecoming week! I've loved dressing as someone from the 80s, a tacky teacher, a cowgirl, and Mary Poppins! Just a few reminders about grades and the week to come:

If you have a "zero" in STI for the "Nonfiction Questions" or the "Hindenburg/3-Century Questions," you still have time to turn those in to me. These were questions we answered from the textbook about our in-class readings.

I will be grading your summaries of "Papa's Parrot," your Test Practice, your twenty word summaries, and the rest of your noun projects this weekend. Check STI on Monday afternoon for your most recent average.

Next week:
Monday--Context Clues
Tuesday--Point of View
Thursday--Reading excerpt from "An American Childhood"
Friday--IR Quiz #1, Journal Entry

Have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious weekend!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

This Week

Hope everyone is ready for Week #4 of school! This week is Homecoming week, so there is a LOT going on! Be sure that you dress up for every spirit day. I've got my outfits all planned you?

Monday: Decades Day--It's a blast from the past!
-On Monday we will be reading the short story "Papa's Parrot."
-First Period's Daybooks are DUE (through page 18)

Tuesday: Tacky Day--Wear your ugliest, tackiest getup!
-We'll continue working with "Papa's Parrot."
-Fourth Period's Daybooks are DUE (through page 18)

Wednesday: Camo/Western Day
-We'll learn how to write an objective summary.
-Fifth Period's Daybooks are DUE (through page 18)

Thursday: Panther Spirit Day
-We'll practice the skills we've learned from "Papa's Parrot" on a practice test.
-Third Period's Daybooks are DUE (through page 18)
-Pep Rally during 5th period
-Homecoming Game! GO PANTHERS!

Friday: Favorite Character/Athlete Day
-Friday I will be going over your Global Scholar results with you. You MUST bring a book to read silently during class on Friday.
-Sixth Period's Daybooks are DUE (through page 18)

IMPORTANT:  Because we have not been able to get to the library as early as I would have liked, I am going to have to schedule your first Independent Reading Quiz for September 20th. I know that seems very soon, but if you haven't been working on a book from home or from the class library, you have options for shorter things to read before the quiz date. You could choose a brief magazine article or newspaper article instead of a full-length novel. I will let you know when the other quizzes will be.

See you tomorrow. Just a warning, it's going to be very 80's in room 615! Bring your neon and your big hair! :)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Extra Credit, Nouns, and Verbs

Don't forget that tomorrow is your first vocabulary quiz. I will give you a review worksheet in class. If you complete all three review puzzles tonight, you can earn 3 points of extra credit on your vocabulary quiz.

Yesterday we took our noun quiz. I'm still grading, but so far it looks like the grades are all over the board. It is important that you continue to review nouns. After we finish learning about verbs we will put the first two parts of speech together and start studying sentences.

Today we started learning all about verbs in class. We will be doing a lot of practice, but it is very important that you understand both nouns AND verbs before we move on to sentences. In addition to the worksheets we will do in class, there are some online resources you can access to practice at home. If you find you are struggling with nouns or verbs so far, I highly recommend that you do these exercises. I will add more when we move past nouns and verbs and start learning about sentences.

For extra noun practice:

Identifying Nouns
Identifying Collective Nouns
Identifying Common and Proper Nouns
Identifying Indefinite Pronouns

For extra verb practice:

Action Verbs
Linking Verbs/Forms of Be
Distinguishing Between Action Verbs and Linking Verbs
Identifying Helping Verbs

If you make it through all of these exercises and want or need more help, just let me know! I have so many resources to help you understand grammar. Remember--you already know grammar, you've spoken English your whole life! Sometimes we just need help learning how to think about how our grammar works.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Tuesday Update

Don't forget that your noun/pronoun quiz is TOMORROW! You should complete what's left of your study guide in preparation. When you are finished, the answers are located HERE. If you have any questions, feel free to email me!

Also, don't forget to bring your money for the book fair tomorrow!