Noun projects were due yesterday. You can still turn yours in on Tuesday, but I will deduct 10 points for each day that it is late. Your noun quiz will be on Wednesday. Be sure you are prepared! Here's a brief list of things to know:
Be able to define and identify the following parts of speech in a sentence:
1. Common Noun (Daybook p. 2)
2. Proper Noun (Daybook p. 2)
3. Concrete Noun (Daybook p. 5)
4. Abstract Noun (Daybook p. 5)
5. Plural and Singular Nouns (Daybook p. 8)
6. Possessive Noun (Daybook p. 10)
7. Pronoun (Daybook p. 12)
8. Indefinite Pronoun (Daybook p. 14)
9. Collective Noun (Daybook p. 8)
Know the rules for forming plural and possessive nouns and be prepared to correct errors in possessive and plural nouns. (Your charts on pages 8,10, 12, and 13 should help.)
Remember that collective nouns are singular. (Ex: That pride of lions is getting closer)
Indefinite pronouns ending in "-thing," "-one," and "-body" are always singular. (Ex: Someone is coming.)
I will give out a paper copy of this study guide as well as a review sheet on Tuesday. Until then, I hope everyone enjoys the long weekend! I'm sure we'll all be cheering on our favorite teams with the return of college football!